While students are enrolled in CTE courses, they have the opportunity to earn industry credentials at no cost. Many students provide these credentials to prospective employers when applying for jobs or use them to earn college credit, if applicable
What Is CTE?
Career and technical education (CTE) is a term “applied to educational programs that specialize in skilled trades, applied sciences, modern technologies, and career preparation” (The Glossary). Characterized by hands-on projects and real-world application, CTE courses integrate core academic skills and provide opportunities for students to earn certifications and credentials, which are recognized by business and industry, while they are still in high school.
A common misconception about students who take CTE courses is that they do not plan to go on to obtain a 4-year degree. While many CTE students may directly enter the workforce after high school graduation, most will go on to complete some type of post-secondary education: additional certification programs, an associate’s degree, or a bachelor’s degree.
Students who complete CTE programs of study are equipped with not only technical skills, but employability skills as well. CTE students leave high school with an education that can help them define their career path as well as make them highly employable. These students often utilize the skills learned in their high school CTE courses to further their education, and they are at an advantage over students who have not been through a CTE program of study.
Why Choose CTE?
Industry Credentials
Integration of Success Skills
Students who possess Success Skills (formerly called Soft Skills) are highly valuable to employers. Critical thinking, problem-solving, and technical communication skills are some of the Success Skills that are taught within the CTE courses. A good work ethic, professionalism, digital fluency, and time management are also in high demand and are stressed within the CTE Simulated Workplace Environment.
Simulated Workplace
Some CTE courses are run like an actual business. Within the CTE Simulated Workplace, students report on time and clock in, have specific roles, are responsible for working in teams/departments and for conducting safety checks, and perform many other real-life workplace practices and procedures.
Student Organizations
FFA (formerly Future Farmers of America), Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA), DECA (Marketing, Finance, Hospitality, and Management student association) and the National Technical Honor Society are just a few of the available student organizations that students can join through their CTE programs of study.
Harrison County students engage in Career and Technical Education (CTE) courses that prepare students for college and careers. A variety of opportunities are available outside the classroom which include internships, competitive events, field trips, and professional networking. Students who are involved in CTE are more engaged, perform better and graduate at higher rates.
Harrison County Schools offer a vast and diverse career and technical education programs that involve every high school. Our cutting-edge, rigorous and relevant CTE Courses prepares students for a wide range of high-wage, high-skill, high-demand careers.