MMS Tardy Policy

Mountaineer Middle School has an expectation that all students will arrive before school begins. Unfortunately, this year we have had a high number of students coming late to school. Students that are tardy to school miss the time when important announcements are made, the time to work on missing assignments, and the time to connect with teachers on meeting goals. Students may also lose the opportunity to participate in after school sports or other activities.

Due to the large number of students coming tardy to school, starting the second semester, we have changed our policy. Students who have unexcused tardiness (arriving at school after 7:35am) will face disciplinary action. Disciplinary action is outlined below.

  • 1st Unexcused Tardy - Warning

  • 2nd Unexcused Tardy - 3 days Lunch Detention

  • 3rd Unexcused Tardy - After School Detention

  • Beyond 3rd Unexcused Tardy - Parent Meeting and further disciplinary action

Please help in ending your child’s tardiness, by dropping them off by 7:35 each morning. If you have any questions, contact the administration office.