Theatre Camp Flyer

This summer, Harrison County is offering its theatre camp for the 10th year.  This year is will be hosted at Bridgeport High School on June 19-23, 2023.  It is being organized by five directors throughout the county and will cover several aspects of theatre, from acting, singing, and dancing to the technical side as well as lighting, stage managing, props, and scenery. Most importantly, the camp will be completely FREE to Harrison County students (public, private, or homeschooled).


The camp will be structured through a series of workshops that will be hands-on and fun. The camp runs from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. daily, with two different age groups eligible to participate. The age groups consist of incoming 3rd grade - 6th grade students and incoming 7th grade - 12th grade students.  Both age groups will be meeting together from 11:30-12:00 daily.  Students do not have to attend camp every day to participate.


We encourage registration online. For registration information, contact:  Students may also sign up at the camp on the first day students attend the camp.  If you sign up at the camp, please arrive early and bring a parent to sign the forms.


If you have any specific questions, please contact your school representative. If you have general questions, you may always reach us here at .


School Representatives:

Becky Mearns - Nutter Fort Elementary, Norwood Elementary, WI, RCB, St. Mary’s, Notre Dame

Jared St. Martin Brown Johnson Elementary, Simpson Elementary, Bridgeport Middle School , Bridgeport High School, Homeschool

Alicia Kinsey undefined  –Salem Elementary, Adamston Elementary, Mountaineer Middle, Liberty High School

Trina Byard Lost Creek Elementary, West Milford Elementary, South Harrison Middle, South Harrison High School

Gabe Rhodes Lumberport Elementary, Big Elm Elementary, Lincoln Middle School, Lincoln High School